YES, this place is a dive. NO, it is not a scary one. The servers are young, attractive females who seem to have all their teeth. The demographic is that of either a dirty manual laborer wearing a safety orange sweatshirt, or a senior citizen. Pull tabs, carpeting, pool tables, darts, mass neon beer signage, and more than 11 televisions had me thinking this place is rockin' come football Sundays. By the look of the menu, I'm pretty sure I'm dead-on correct with that assumption. Where else can you find an egg breakfast for less than $4? Don't say Shari's or I'll hurt you. I'm talking about a good, homemade breakfast. For years I've heard Mr. DeRosa rave about the chicken at 2121 Tavern in the Midland area (off 112th and Portland Avenue). Since fried chicken has never been my first choice when dining out, I never gave it much thought. But when I drove up to finally meet some friends out for a few 2121 Tavern drinks I was immediately impressed by the disheveled exterior and patchwork parking lot.
LINK: 3 Drink Minimum
LINK: Best of Tacoma 2009
User Reviews of 2121 Tavern (1)
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qxsiokbzgm said on Mar. 18, 2021 at 12:49pm
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