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Bob's Java Jive, Saturday, March 12 (14 Photos)

A cold, rainy night calls for a freaking fun night of live music ... or a car with heated seats. But because I don't know how to install heated seats, I give you photographs from a freaking fun night of live music at Bob's Java Jive. Before a fairly full venue, The Ram Rams, Murder Party, MC Mike Kopf and the Tacomen rocked it, playing musical members as they swapped out keyboards and drummers here and there. Photography by Steve Dunkelberger



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Michael Blevins said on Mar. 15, 2011 at 11:43am

Thank you Steve Dunkelberger you really know how to cheer a guy up! Very Nice Photos Steve!!

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steve said on Apr. 03, 2011 at 5:14pm

you are welcome sir. fun show

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