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Gnar at the Bar Skate Competition 2010 (10 Photos)

Intermediate and advanced skaters converged on a wooden miniramp behind O'Malley's Irish Pub on Tacoma's Sixth Avenue to compete for $500 prize money.

“Oktobersesh” Gnar at the Bar Skate Competition 2010

“Oktobersesh” Gnar at the Bar Skate Competition 2010

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TSTEW said on Nov. 01, 2010 at 1:28am

What an event! Parking was tight, but the skateboarding was awesome. I met a good pal of mine from Tacoma and attended this event. For the 21+, the patio was great to drink and watch the competition. Under 21 and non-drinkers enjoyed the street view. First place went to Jason Singler. There were great performances by Caleb (Cole?) and Dan (?) and some others, plus locals (last names are not my strong point). Security was dickish. There were photogs and at least 60 people. Overall, this event was a great way to spend 5 hours on a beautiful Saturday in Tacoma. Excellent skating. Great crowd. I felt productive afterwards. (smoke n drink made the event even more live). Shout out to Scott and Ty for attending this event with me. Also, there was a bartendress that was sooo good (can't remember her name, but she stood out from the rest of the staff- black hair, brown eyes, not full Irish, maybe African).

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