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Harmon Tap Room Goldfish Races (17 Photos)

Don't look now, but goldfish racing has hit the Harmon Tap Room every Tuesday night.

The rules are very simple: 1) pick your fish 2) name it something vulgar 3) grab a water spayer 4) spray your fish across the finish line and 5) win $50 cash.

Last Tuesday a mixed-age crowd of flounder fans raced, cheered and pounded Harmon brews.

Losers don't always have to be eaten. I learned that a bit too late. Sorry Sushi, you were a noble racer and a tasty treat to go along with the Vanilla Porter on tap.

Photography by Steve Dunkelberger

Aaron Hayward and Flush races Ben Ferguson and Sparky

Aaron Hayward and Flush races Ben Ferguson and Sparky

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Goldfish said on May. 04, 2011 at 4:20am

I don't understand something, how do you make the goldfish win the race ?

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steve said on May. 13, 2011 at 1:34pm

you dump the fish into a rail gutter and shot water from a bottle at them to get them to race to the other side of the gutter.

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