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Rebel Monday at O'Malley's Irish Pub (5 Photos)

It seems sort of odd to have a night of reggae music in an Irish pub in Tacoma and have the patrons complain about the heat. True, it was as hot as a Jamaican sugar cane field in July inside O'Malley's Irish Pub Monday, Aug. 15. But it was reggae music for crying out loud. It isn't authentic if you aren't sweating like a crockpot meatloaf.

Welcome to Rebel Monday brought to the pub by DJ Jason Diamond. While the music was loud and thumping, the dance floor was sparse since the heat inside the pressure cooker was dialed up. Breaking the trend was Latonya Bailey. She braved the dance floor after a friend finally convinced her to check out the scene.

Mixing with the crowd around the bar was Erica Crooks, who was marking her 21st birthday with friends at O'Malley's and Jazzbones since both bars were within walking distance of their pad.

Good call. - Steve Dunkelberger

rebel Monday: Rachael Murphy, Leah Norman, Brianna Lundquist

rebel Monday: Rachael Murphy, Leah Norman, Brianna Lundquist

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IrishDude69 said on Aug. 25, 2010 at 11:36pm

Rachael Murphy is pretty hot, looks like I'm going to O'Malley's Irish Pub next Monday!

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