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Seaside Opera (13 Photos)

The Seaside Opera, performed by A K Mimi Allin, is a combination of movement and poetry designed to illicit feelings one might feel while at the beach.

Allin engaged individuals in squirt gun fights, interpretative dance, playing in the water, and with the poetry readings.

In the background, music ranging from operas to carnival sounds animated the environment.

The performance is in the Tollefson Plaza and it will run Aug. 16-21 every half hour on the half-hour, 2-7 p.m.

Photography by J.M. Simpson

Seaside Opera, 2010, Tollefson Plaza

Seaside Opera, 2010, Tollefson Plaza - Performance art by A K Mimi Allin as part of Spaceworks Tacoma.

Performance art by A K Mimi Allin as part of Spaceworks Tacoma.

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Mimi Allin said on Aug. 25, 2010 at 2:16am

Day one, 95F, and my record melted. Found a shadier spot to place my old record player and on it played!

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