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Shifter at Firwood Rock Lounge (9 Photos)

Anyone who remembers Drake's from back in the day will enjoy the Firwood Rock Lounge, the new club that now commands the Drake’s spot at 734 Pacific Avenue in downtown Tacoma. The 50-or-so member crowd for the Shifter show last Friday was mixed but mostly graying hair retreads out for a night of rock covers and whiskey sours. But there were a good share of hot bodies out for girls' night out fun. Photography by Steve Dunkelberger

Britney Anderson and Renae Kimball give girlie hugs

Britney Anderson and Renae Kimball give girlie hugs

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Brenda said on Dec. 02, 2010 at 6:58pm

Two beautiful girls enjoying themselves.

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Dad said on Dec. 02, 2010 at 7:25pm

That's my baby girl. Go Brit.

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Matt Driscoll said on Dec. 02, 2010 at 10:11pm

Wait a minute ...

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