Saturday, June 19: Panama Gold

The New Frontier Lounge

By Rev. Adam McKinney on June 16, 2010

Rock music history is littered with Anvils - bands that failed despite the successes of their contemporaries. For whatever reason, though they possessed the talent and ambition of their peers, fame never found these bands. Proof of their existence can be found in discount bins at your local record store. Panama Gold sound like one of these long-lost bands, maybe from that confusing period in the '70s when punk started to invade the sound of mainstream rock ‘n' roll. Panama Gold's sound is a mixture of fun-loving road trip music and punk sneer. The band's fake history indicates they could have been left behind by The Clash, or even someone like Tom Petty. Luckily, we don't need the dollar bins. Panama Gold can still be found in the here and now.

Panama Gold

with the Dignitaries, Revengers, and the Plastards
Saturday, June 19, 7 p.m.
The New Frontier Lounge, 301 East 25th Street