After running on Broadway for six years and winning five Tony Awards, Man of La Mancha opens Friday at the Tacoma Musical Playhouse. Set in the 16th century, this play within a play is the musical version of Cervantes's Don Quixote. While Cervantes awaits his trial with the Spanish Inquisition, he fights to put on a show that involves all of the other inmates. Sue Brabham, who plays Maria, says the music is very representative of 1500's Spanish music. It has a "flamenco element," which made it "more challenging for the performers to learn," she adds. She also said for the music, the means are as important as the end. As this play progresses, Brabham says watch for the transformation of Aldonza into Delcinea as she progresses from a "whore to having self esteem and self respect," which is Brabham's favorite part.
MAN OF LA MANCHA, 8 p.m. Friday-Saturday, 2 p.m. Sunday, through April 6, Tacoma Musical Playhouse, 7116 Sixth Ave., Tacoma, $20-$29, 253.565.6867
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