Saturday, Nov. 1: Hell's Belles


By Christian Carvajal on October 27, 2014

It's been a tough month. What this rain-soaked weekend calls for most is one awesome round of head-banging, guitar-thrashing, devil-horn-signing indoor entertainment, away from all those candy-crazed toddlers. Let there be rock! Aussie ensemble AC/DC is still touring even as they crumble like arctic ice, but I can tell you from personal experience you'll have at least as much fan (and spend way less money) at a Hell's Belles show. This all-female cover band crystallizes the insane energy of a mid-'80s AC/DC concert. Lead guitarist Adrian Conner's swinging locks and pyrotechnic power chords jolt every Polo-shirted and/or mom-jeaned crowd to its feet. Gen-Y readers, this may be your last opportunity to see your middle-aged parents jam in the aisles like teenagers. (Psychologically speaking, perhaps that is the true Highway to Hell.) For those about to rock with Mom and Dad, we salute you!

HELL'S BELLES, 5 and 9 p.m., Jazzbones, 2003 Sixth Ave., Tacoma, $9.99, 253.396.9169