3529 McKinley Ave.
Tacoma, WA 98404-2162
(253) 272-1502
Take an area that needed salvation, toss in a gem of co-owner Jaime Kay Newton, who knows how to handle herself in any social situation, and mix a splendid drink, add her sweet street smart partner, Jason J. Jones and neighbors who have been dying to have a cool place in their neighborhood, and POW! — there’s the Top of Tacoma Bar and (opening in December) Café. I still can’t believe that I’m on the Eastside (in my hood!) when I’m there and that every night of the week (open 365) there are such fun buddies all around. I adore all of the vintage-like posters on the wall, the toy top glass light fixture, the SWEET juke box, that in the men’s bathroom they kept the wallpaper with boobs and put glitter over the nipples, and that Jaime Kay has a wireless microphone to make announcements that bring a smile to my face.
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