Volifonix, The Timbreines, Oh Dear! and Kris Orlowski

Music this week in the South Sound

By Ron Swarner on December 16, 2009


Thursday, Dec. 17
If there’s one thing white people like it’s mayonnaise. If there are two things white people like it’s mayonnaise and extended guitar jams — or so it often seems. Oregon’s Volifonix, coming from the Phil Knight and weed smelling woods of Eugene, know this all too well — and although I have no reason to believe they’re harnessing the power of mayonnaise, the band is definitely refining the art of funky guitar rock. A look at Volifonix’s MySpace page revels plenty of pictures of campfires, funny hats and excessively long facial hair — sure signs of a jam band, and quite possibly “free love” if you play your cards right. Thursday, Volifonix will plug in at The New Frontier Lounge — almost certainly drawing heavily from their latest release, Oregonisms. Get it? — Matt Driscoll
[New Frontier Lounge, with 10th & Commerce, 9 p.m., cover TBA, 301 E. 25th St., Tacoma, 253.572.4020]

The Timbreines

Friday, Dec. 18
Indeed, the Timbreines aren’t very metal. This is the band’s proclamation, not mine — but I tend to agree. Metal is angry, hairy, often drunk and sometimes even a little frightening. While there’s nothing wrong with any of the above, those adjectives could never be used to describe the Timbreines. The Timbreines, one of at least two Oregon bands set to hit town this week, is a group of musicians, named after elements of musical theory, that almost surely stood like wall flowers at school dances, never even sniffed popularity — and almost certainly never got a tribal arm band tattoo in high school. The band’s sometimes lonely school of fleshy indie rock is not the sort of thing that inspires chest bumps or arm wrestling competitions — but it is pretty damn good. — MD
[Bob’s Java Jive, 8 p.m., cover TBA, 2102 S. Tacoma Way, Tacoma, 253.475.9843]

Oh Dear!

Saturday, Dec. 19
I’ve heard it said that Watergate is the hardest thing of that era to explain to people who weren’t alive to see it. I kind of feel that way about indie pop/rock. Bands like Oh Dear! (or Death Cab for Cutie, et al) represent this sort of subtle, shapeless sound that, for some reason, is just impossible for me to describe. What exactly differentiates indie pop/rock from any other kind of rock? Nothing, I guess. Why, then, do you know it so immediately when you hear it? How “indie” can you be while performing the Twilight theme song at the mtvU Woodie Awards? Something, though … something about Oh Dear! — and indie bands in general — is so nourishing to the heart, mind and ears. I can’t explain it, but I also can’t deny it. — Rev. Adam McKinney
[The Den @ urbanXchange, with Colonies, Freeze & Fur Coat, Xylophones, 7 p.m., all ages, $6, 1932 Pacific Ave., Tacoma, 253.572.2280]

Kris Orlowski

Saturday, Dec. 19
As Bobble Tiki has noted before, he likes to say he put the pop in “pop rock” — but that’s only because of the alarming noises Bobble Tiki’s joints make when he gets out on the dance floor. But, now, those who know Bobble Tiki know that’s not even accurate — since Bobble Tiki hasn’t stepped foot on a dance floor since suffering a lisfranc injury tripping over an empty box of wine on Thanksgiving. Luckily, Kris Orlowski is coming to town again — a show Bobble Tiki can almost certainly take in without being tempted to get jiggy with it.  There’s almost zero chance Bobble Tiki will be inspired to dance during Orlowski’s show. Rather, he’ll just sit happily nursing a strong drink and enjoying the radio ready sounds of one of the Northwest’s more talented singer songwriters. This Orlowski fellow knows how to pen a catchy number. — Bobble Tiki
[The New Frontier Lounge, with Dave Hannon, 9 p.m., cover TBA, 301 E. 25th St., Tacoma, 253.572.4020]