TIKI LOGIC: Colonies CD release parties

Hear Thirty Thousand twice this weekend

By Bobble Tiki on December 16, 2009

It’s a new week, which means it’s time for a new installment of Bobble Tiki’s South Sound music news and notes column. Without further ado, let’s get rolling…

That piece of dried candy cane on Bobble Tiki’s Dockers can only mean one thing – well, two things, actually.

Number one: Dockers has started making pants for legless, island themed bobble dolls.

Number two: The Holidays are upon us.

Don’t get Bobble Tiki wrong. There are many, many things Bobble Tiki enjoys about the holidays. Spiked eggnog, for example — and days off. But when it comes right down to it, Bobble Tiki can’t help but succumb to the stress of the season right about this time every year. If Bobble Tiki steps foot inside one more Gap store, looking for one more gawdawful sweater to send to some Tiki cousin-in-law he’s never even met — he just might lose his Tiki mind.

Music helps Bobble Tiki calm his nerves, and one of his favorite local bands — Colonies — is about to unleash a sonic treat just in time for Christmas that’s definitely stocking worthy.

It’s called Thirty Thousand, it’s a debut full length (the Weekly Volcano has previously reviewed the band’s 2008 EP Sleep Patterns) and Colonies is celebrating its release with two CD release shows in Tacoma this week.

On Friday Colonies will play a 21+ record release show at The New Frontier Lounge with Canon Canyon, Wheelies and Jason Clackley that starts at 8 p.m. and will cost you $6 to get into. Then, on Saturday they’ll put a gig on for the kiddos at The Den with Freeze and Fur Coat and Xylophones that starts at 7 p.m., which also costs $6.

Thirty Thousand is a warmer record. There is more movement and texture … there is a greater variety of material,” says Colonies’ Travis Shumate, of the differences between Sleep Patterns and Thirty Thousand. “From an acoustic-based Spanish pop song to dark piano-based songs, we didn’t refuse any idea based on style.”

Though Shumate touts the diversity of Thirty Thousand, he also says the record maintains cohesiveness — and marks a natural step in the band’s progression.

“We could have easily created Sleep Patterns again,” explains Shumate. “But we decided to step away from what was familiar to create some new sounds, and we’re really pleased with the results.”