CRITICS' PICKS: Jettycats, SALT Records Showcase, The Legend of Bigfoot, Christmas Island

Live music in the South Sound: Aug. 5-7

By Volcano Staff on August 3, 2011


>>> Friday, Aug. 5

The Jettycats are nothing more or less than a remarkably pure embodiment of rock ‘n' roll spirit. The band's music is absurdly propulsive, and they sound positively thrilled to be making it. That this kind of enthusiasm is infectious on record is something, and it speaks volumes about how raucous their live show can be. The Jettycats' 7", Down at the Jetty, is effectively a party record - something meant to accompany and heighten a rager, something to pass around and share amongst friends. More than anything, the Jettycats are fucking fun, and possess the kind of exuberance that can carry a person on through the end of the night, leaving them breathless and a little bummed that the party ever had to end. Be sure to catch Jettycats at Northern's second-to-last show at its current location. - Rev. Adam McKinney

[Northern, with Arrington De Dionyso's Malaikat Dan Singa, Angelo Spencer Et Les Hauts Sommets, The Maxines, Messy Mesa, 8 p.m., all ages, $5, 321 Fourth Ave., Olympia,]


>>> Friday, Aug. 5

SALT Records has a similar model as Dear Records, even going so far as to feature some Dear Records alums on their compilations, such as Paul Dally, Dylan Treleven and I Low. The songs are still mostly homespun and lo-fi, which was often a staple of Dear Records. But SALT Records are far from copycats. SALT Records features more upbeat pop, when they're not devoting time to droning electronica. Friday's upcoming show at The Space, in conjunction with the Warehouse, will feature performances from some artists of the SALT Records roster, in addition to a performance from Drew Grow, of the Pastors' Wives. - Rev. AM

[The Space, with Drew Grow, Valerie Warren, Roswell, Josh Tacke, Dave Yi, Nathan Faber, Chayse Cope, Grace Oberhofer, 7:30 p.m., $5, 729 Court C, Tacoma]


>>> Saturday, Aug. 6

Once dormant, the Legend of Bigfoot has charged back to life of late - doling out psych-heavy alt rock to a Tacoma fan base well-versed in (and appreciative of) such sonic explorations. The band stormed back to prominence last month after a lengthy hiatus, and shows no signs of letting up; the Legend of Bigfoot - Mike Krushka, Jason Flom, Jimmy Hughs and Nate Rich - will be a part of Saturday's NWCZ Radio Summer Crush, an all-ages South Sound rock throwdown also featuring the likes of Voxxy Vallejo, Afraid of Figs and the Dignitaries. If you're looking for a fine example of the musical talent and comraderie our area has to offer, look no further. - Matt Driscoll

[Louie G's Pizzeria, 9 p.m., all ages, $5, 5219 Pacific Hwy. E., Fife]


>>> Sunday, Aug. 7

There's a pleasing classicism at work in the music of Christmas Island that calls to mind the indie rock that emerged from New Zealand in the '80s. I think Christmas Island has an intimate familiarity with the artists on Flying Nun Records, like the Chills and Tall Dwarf. Hooks are warmly embraced, as are brightly jangly guitars and a firm upholding of the 2 1/2-to-3 1/2-minute time limit on songs. A gauzy layer hugs these songs, lending them even more of a sense of newly uncovered gems. Seeing the band's live is bound to be great, but I'd sure like to hear them come crackling out of a turntable's speakers. Something as comforting as Christmas Island begs to be enjoyed in full-on, dusty analog. - Rev. AM

[The New Frontier Lounge, with Cryin' Wolf, Cowabunga Babes, Apache Chief, 9 p.m., cover TBA, 301 E. 25th St., Tacoma, 253.572.4020]