CRITICS' PICKS: Josh Rizeberg record release, Nappy Roots, Ghostwriter, Dorky's Anniversary Show

Live music in the South Sound: Sept. 15-17

By Volcano Staff on September 14, 2011


>>> Thursday, Sept. 15

The Volcano's voice on local hip-hop, Josh Rizeberg, is Tacoma bred, fed and lay him to dead. Writing about his shit creates a natural conflict of interest, but dude's such a huge a part of the local hip-hop scene that ignoring him would be criminal. Rizeberg raps. He wrote and won slams for spoken word poetry before it was trendy. He's likely to show up with a stuffed Swisher behind his ear (it's OK, he's got a prescription). His voice is soothing, but what he says isn't always nice. We once watched him rap about political corruption to a room full of local politicians. He referred to them as "lizard people," and the politicians in the room still applauded. He's one of the hardest working people we've ever met. He writes, records, performs and hustles ruthlessly. Thursday, Rizeberg helps launch the start of a monthly, third Thursday hip-hop night - word 3rd Thurs - at The Swiss with a record release throwdown show. He'll celebrate the release of Rize of the Boom with DJ Iceman, Spaceman, Mr. Von and Violet. Plus, everyone who walks through the door gets a copy of Boombox Massacre and Rizeberg's Rize of the Boom. Total score. - Weekly Volcano

[The Swiss, with DJ Iceman, Spaceman, Mr. Von, Violet, 10 p.m., $5, 1904 Jefferson Ave., Tacoma, 253.572.2821]


>>> Friday, Sept. 16

Nappy Roots made a modest but significant impact in the early 2000s with the release of Watermelon, Chicken & Gritz, a sharp and effective statement of purpose that established the group as simultaneous party-starters and fierce advocates of their native Kentucky. Their hit single, "Awnaw," was a ferocious slice of sensory-overload - a combination of heavy rock riffs and harried verses shared between the group's five members. "Po' Folks," on the other hand, was a relaxed and affecting ode to the ups and downs of living in poverty in the South. Since then, Nappy Roots have continued to make music that can be labeled Southern rap, but is always unexpected and tough to pin down, with a positive bent that helps to separate the group from the rabble. - Rev. Adam McKinney

[Hell's Kitchen, with Island Trybe ft. Po Boxx, Tom Hutch, Awall, Blue Nose Music, 9 p.m., $10 advance, $15 DOS, 928 Pacific Ave., Tacoma, 253.759.6003]


>>> Saturday, Sept. 17

The one-man-folk-band thing is getting a wee-bit played out. There's only so much banjo-plucking and foot-stomping - coming from a single person with an "Isn't it impressive how many things I can do at once?" look on their face - that a set of refined ears can appreciate. After a while, unless you're actually on a porch somewhere and drunk on moonshine, the head pat-tummy rub shtick just gets old. That said, Ghostwriter is NOT played out - and the shtick is anything but boring. While Steve Schecter - the man who is Ghostwriter - has the country-fried, chicken feather bit down - there's also a gloominess to what he does that keeps things interesting. Saturday Ghostwriter plays twice, for the all-ages crowd early at Rocket Records, and later for the drunks at The New Frontier for a 21+ engagement with Brotherhood of the Black Squirrel. Both shows are worthy. - Matt Driscoll

[Rocket Records, with Russ Dahler, 4 p.m., all ages, no cover, 3843 Sixth Ave., Tacoma, 253.756.5186]

[The New Frontier Lounge, with Brotherhood of the Black Squirrel, Jon Walker, Russ Dahler, 9 p.m., $5, 301 E. 25th St., Tacoma, 253.572.4020]


>>> Saturday, Sept. 17

Dorky's Arcade has been on a role as of late. As Dorky's near its one-year anniversary (can you believe it's already been a year?), the arcade has finally acquired a liquor license and started throwing rock shows. To celebrate the first year in existence, Dorky's is having a typically nerdy anniversary show, featuring the silly pop-punk of Gonken, the sci-fi electronics of SliiDE, the tongue-in-cheek rap of Cutwinkles member MC Mike Kopf, and a comedy troupe called Kitty Cats in Pirate Hats. Of a certain note will be electro-pop Phantom Twin, featuring Brandon Beauchesne. Eagle-eyed readers will recall that I wrote about him for 2010's Best of Tacoma issue - about what, I will not say. Just know that this show will tickle your dorky cockles in the least weird way possible. - Rev. AM

[Dorky's Arcade, with IDon'tKnowWhoTheyAre, MC Mike Kopf, Phantom Twin, Gonken, SliiDE, Kitty Cats in Pirate Hats, 9 p.m., no cover, 21+, 754 Pacific Ave., Tacoma, 253.627.4156]

LINK: Live music tonight in the South Sound