JIHEE SHIN: One sexy barista

Satellite Coffee

By Volcano Staff on June 6, 2011

WEEKLY VOLCANO:  Who are you and what do you do?

JIHEE SHIN: I'm Jihee! I'm a barista at both Satellite Coffee locations. I make your coffee and force you to listen to every Blue BrownHeel album that has ever existed.

VOLCANO: Biggest turn-ons?

SHIN: A man without a mustache is much like a woman with one. - Nick Cave

VOLCANO: Biggest turn-offs?

SHIN: Decaf. But, I get it.

VOLCANO: How do you explain your victory in the 2011 Weekly Volcano Sexy Issue? Obviously you're doing something right. ...

SHIN: I guess I've met a lot of awesome people this past year? Maybe I've got more friends than I thought I had. Thanks, duders!

VOLCANO: Is it ever difficult being so hot?

SHIN: I'm usually fairly hot whenever I'm behind the counter at Satellite in the summer, next to the La Marzocco. But not to worry, we have fans and air conditioning. We also have a cool deck and the best view of Wright Park.

VOLCANO: What's your favorite thing about where you live and work? What makes it sexy?

SHIN: Satellite's super-sexy, seeing as slinging espresso isn't so easy!! We're really into our coffee, and I love making yummy drinks for my customers, they're lovely. Tacoma people are lovely. We all know each other for the most part, and we're all OK with it - for the most part.

VOLCANO: Given the opportunity, one thing you'd like to say is:  

SHIN: I'm turning 21 on June 7. Come have a drink with me, Tacoma!