VIC CELIS: One sexy servicemember

Ruston Police Department

By Volcano Staff on June 6, 2011

WEEKLY VOLCANO: Who are you and what do you do?

VICTOR CELIS: My name is Victor Celis and I am a police officer for the Town of Ruston. I've been a police officer for about 17 years and when I'm not working I'm totally obsessed with my golf game.

VOLCANO: Biggest turn-ons?

CELIS: My wife doing anything! Next to my family, golf is my favorite thing. I won't lie, I love to watch my wife playing golf with me!

VOLCANO: Biggest turn-offs?

CELIS: Women who cry trying to get out of a ticket.

VOLCANO: How do you explain your victory in the 2011 Weekly Volcano Sexy Issue? Obviously you're doing something right. ...

CELIS: I owe it all to my wife. She is the one who nominated me in the first place. I think she might have voted more than once.

VOLCANO: Is it ever difficult being so hot?

CELIS: Not yet. This is the first time I have been given such a title, so I will have to wait and see if it is a curse.

VOLCANO: What's your favorite thing about where you live and work? What makes it sexy?

CELIS: My favorite thing about living in Pierce County is all of the outdoor activities. I love to golf and go boating ... unfortunately the weather is not the greatest. I love working in the community I do because the people who live there wave at me with all of their fingers. I love to see people getting out and enjoying the community, either walking in the park or taking advantage of the great walking paths and the beach along Ruston Way.

VOLCANO: Given the opportunity, one thing you'd like to say is:  

CELIS: Thank you, first of all, to anybody who may have voted. Secondly, don't believe all the horror stories you hear about motorcycle cops, we are not the meanest people to have ever walked the earth. Just be nice and honest ... AND DON'T CRY!