DRINK(s): Bartender Interview at the Hotel Murano

Meet Kristina Vanderlinde

By Joshua Swainston on June 14, 2011

Kristina Vanderlinde is many things: a mother of two, an amateur jeweler and a mixer of fine cocktails. Amongst spectacular glass sculptures of the lobby bar at the Hotel Murano, you can find Vanderlinde chatting with guests from around the world.

WEEKLY VOLCANO: Being a hotel bar, do you have many locals that come in here?

KRISTINA VANDERLINDE: There are a few of them that come in. I'd say 10 percent of the guests that come through here are locals.

VOLCANO: I would not assume you have too many issues with people getting out of hand.

VANDERLINDE: Not too much. The main problem we have is the horse with the lampshade on its head (she points to a lamp sculpture).  A lot of people want to ride the horse.

VOLCANO: Hotels bars have a stigma for clandestine meetings, have you seen any of that?

VANDERLINDE: It's against hotel policy to tell things that we see happen. But I've seen things. Those cougars are out there alive and well.

VOLCANO: Can the Volcano staff drink here for free?

VANDERLINDE: They can drink here for a heavy pour. We'll hook you up.

VOLCANO: I'll take that.

[Hotel Murano Lobby Bar, 1320 Broadway Plaza, Tacoma, 253.238.8000]