HOLIDAY GUIDE TWO: Creating a wonderland

Two Five Trees enters its third year in Tollefson Plaza, benefits extending beyond mere beautification

By Rev. Adam McKinney on December 4, 2011

The holiday season in these parts can be particularly frustrating. Twinkling lights and red/green motifs are typically betrayed by cruelly bitter winds and dismal rain. People hold their breath for snow, and continue to hold it if it sticks around for more than a day. Feeling the holiday spirit can be a rather elusive goal. But, in our own Charlie Brown Christmas shrub kind of way, we strive to make the best of our winter-adverse surroundings and enjoy something resembling winter wonderland, and all the cheer that comes with it.

Two Five Trees, now entering its third year, does its fair share in generating this spirit. Every year, Two Five Trees takes over Tollefson Plaza and populates the space with pine trees for sale. This year, Two Five Trees is expanding to include not only trees, but also a holiday market and a mural by local artist Jeremy Gregory. The mural combines elements of Bavaria and Dr. Seuss' Whoville, and is appropriately titled "Twoville." Gregory's inclusion of Bavarian influences is in line with the market that will occupy the plaza, which will have a European feel, including Czech baked goods.

All of this will be part of an effort not only to brighten up and invigorate downtown Tacoma, but also to benefit the nonprofit Local Life. Justin Mayfield, Local Life's executive director, sheds some light on the goals of the nonprofit - which has a particular focus on creating welcoming and distinct neighborhoods in Tacoma - as well as its involvement in Two Five Trees.

"Two Five Trees is kind of a flag that we've planted to draw retail dollars back downtown, but it's also just a cultural fusion of the holidays and getting people back on the streets during that time," says Mayfield. "Local Life's goal is to use learning and cultural events to help people keep their imagination and learn the skills and everything that it takes to build, sustain, grow and nurture holistic and identifiable neighborhoods. And by holistic, we mean not just where you're sleeping, and not where you work, but something that's walkable and more engaged in community."

What it really boils down to is an interconnectedness that springs up during the holiday season, but is somewhat harder to sustain for the rest of the year. It's easy to notice and appreciate your fellow Tacomans when the snow is gently falling on Pacific Avenue and the lights are glowing beatifically on our streets -not so easy to remain engaged when things get back to the rainy grind of every day existence. Local Life is trying to maintain these neighborhoods and the interwoven community they possess. Two Five Trees is just another step in that direction.

But, even besides the larger goal of Two Five Trees and Local Life, what this occupation of Tollefson Plaza amounts to is the further beautification of downtown Tacoma, which is never a bad thing. Anything to help guide us through winter.

Two Five Trees

Tollefson Plaza, South 17th and Pacific Ave., Tacoma
Tree sales run through the end of the season
10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday