Best of Tacoma 2013 Readers' Poll - Best Comic Book Store: Nerdy Stuffs

Tacoma comic book store is all about community

By Kristin Kendle on August 1, 2013

You've been to comic book stores. You've sorted through endless racks of polypropelene-covered treasures. But you've lost that lovin' feeling, that thrill, that joyous burst of nerdy glee that led you into comics in the first place. All comic book stores just feel the same to you and do little for you other than serving up your monthly dose of X-Men.

Until now! Nerdy Stuffs just got voted into the coveted spot of best comic book store in town for a reason - It's awesome and the store strives to be a comic book store and so much more.

"We decided that from day one that we wanted to create and cultivate a community, that welcomes both veteran readers and people new to comics," says store manager Carmen Melendez. "Our favorite thing in the store is our community. We have absolutely amazing customers and players that make Nerdy Stuffs a great place. Everything we do as a store is for our community and our people, and we wouldn't have it any other way."

Nerdy Stuffs is pretty new to the block and has been open just since July 2012. Jesus Areyano and Carmen Melendez opened the store, bolstered by an innate sense that their community deserved more than just another comic book nook. They wanted it to be a place that broke the mold and welcomed everyone, nerd-kind and normies alike.

Still, you have to have a bit of a nerd side to enjoy the store as, let's face it - the store name says it all. They carry a wide variety of nerd-culture items, including graphic novels, action figures, clothing, collectibles, board games, trading card games and, of course, comics galore.

"As a community centric store, we are always trying to host events," says Melendez. "Including but not limited to gaming events for Magic the Gathering, Cardfight Vanguard, miniature games like Warmachine, and of course comic book events like Free Comic Book day and writer and artist signings."

Nerdy Stuffs' dedication and love of its community goes beyond nerd-centric happenings and branches out into giving back.

"In addition to events, we highlight a charity every quarter that we feel is important and/or important to our community," says Melendez. "For example, most recently we did a fundraiser for The Oklahoma City Relief Fund, to directly benefit those who were affected by the tornado disaster. We have multiple customers, including those who are in the military who have family and/or reside there, so we wanted to make sure that even though it was far away we kept them close in our heart and that we did something to help out."

Soon after the store opened, the movie theater shooting in Aurora, Colo., during a midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises happened. As any self-respecting nerd knows, midnight showings are all important and, indeed, many Nerdy Stuffs customers had intent to head to a midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises. Nerdy Stuffs wanted to do something to help so they set up a donation box for the Aurora Victim Relief Fund. Last Christmas, the store teamed up with the Garrison Titan group and Toys for Tots to host "Droids for Tots," because nerding isn't just for adults! The store set up a holiday photo op with the members of Garrison Titan. In exchange for toy donations, anyone could get a photo with Garrison Titan. The toy drive was a resounding success! The store also brought in Darth Vader - the perfect addition to any Christmas event. Just to be sure, they had him wear a Santa hat.

"The members of the Toys for Tots told us that we donated more toys than the larger retail outlets in the area, and that they couldn't wait for our event next year," says Melendez.

The store has also teamed up with local artist group Cartoonist League of Absurd Washingtonians, or C.L.A.W., for a local Drink n' Draw and 24-hour Comic Book Day and supported their scholarship for young artists.

In short, in just one year, Nerdy Stuffs has provided not just a new and exciting comic book shopping/gamer's paradise, but reached out to its community as well as to causes much farther reaching than Tacoma.

‘Nuff said.

Nerdy Stuffs just recently moved and is now located at 12223 Pacific Ave. S. in Tacoma.