Best of Tacoma 2013 Staff Picks: Music

We chose People Under the Sun, Lozen, Swoon Records, Dave Takata, The Warehouse, Future Bass and more ...

By Volcano Staff on August 1, 2013


People Under the Sun

The first thing you'll notice about Tacoma three-piece People Under the Sun is just how many goddamn gadgets they have with them onstage. Conservative estimates place the amount of instrumentation at roughly two metric tons. In order to facilitate the execution of People Under the Sun's psychedelic synth-pop melange of influences ranging from Kraftwerk to Echo and the Bunnymen, the band utilizes blocky vintage synthesizers and beat programmers that function on floppy disks. This is not to mention to the vintage lamps and benches that also festoon the stage, recreating the distinct vibe of hanging out in a synthesizer obsessive's living room during a jam session. - Rev. Adam McKinney


Prophets of Addiction

One of the best things about Tacoma and Olympia is the two cities are like sisters from different misters and easily crossover on a number of connoisseurship, such as beer, views of the Sound and bands. It's like the stars on all the best pairs of Converse aligned though, when Tacoma's Prophets of Addiction picked up bad-ass Olympia guitarist Tim Diedrich completing a super glam band that's all leather, hair and rock 'n' roll. - Nikki McCoy


Maff & Engish by Dungeon Science

Not only is an exquisitely silly title, but it also does well to convey just what Dungeon Science's deal is. In addition to Maff & Engish being an editor's nightmare (not to mention an annoyance to Microsoft Word, a program that continues to helpfully inform me that just maybe those words might be misspelled), it also points to the band's clear affection for that period in music when blue-collar Brits began appropriating and paying homage to blues and early R&B. The Sound Off! alums make music that evokes that time in the early-to-mid '60s when soul and fuzz finally became blessedly intertwined. - Rev. AM



A sexy band is mainly about the music. Sexy is something that moves you, hits you deep in your core and stays with you. It's added to the collection and runs through your head at mysterious times, or recalled just when you need it - a musical spank bank, if you will. Lozen has this in the bag, and more. Add two hot ladies and a cute dude, and the sexy-o-meter hits 11. We're talking shag-a-delic. Way to go babes, keep on rocking and doing your thang. P.S.: One of the ladies, Hozoji Matheson-Margullis, can harvest geoducks - doesn't get much hotter than that. - NM


Swoon Records

Look, there's not exactly a whole lot of competition in Tacoma when it comes to this category. I realize that. But, I wanted to once again give the spotlight to this up-and-coming label that strives to share the music of these parts with the world. Although, increasingly, the label is branching out, with releases from the likes of Tangerine (Seattle), Trevor Dickson (Brooklyn, having moved from Tacoma) and Watermelon Sugar (also Brooklyn, by way of Tacoma). And when I say that they're exposing these bands to the world, I mean it: oddly enough, site traffic and album purchases point to Peru, Japan, Switzerland and Germany as some of Swoon's biggest fans. - Rev. AM


Dwell Hole

If the walls of this house could talk, we'd hear stories of punk rockers, one-of-a-kind shows, leather jackets and tequila shots. With a bunk bed in the living room, a bar in the kitchen and water heater in the basement covered in black sharpie, the Dwell Hole takes the cake in this category. Despite the loud bands and late-night traffic, every effort was made to keep this party house in the clear. Organized neighborhood appreciation cleanups even transpired, but in vain though, as Dwell Hole is rumored to have shut down. May it Rock in Peace. - NM


Dave Takata

Ah, where to begin? Is it his skullet of dreadlocks and cute chubby cheeks? Is it his rash humor and appetite for beer? Maybe it's his rock star antics and multi-tasking skills. Whatever it is, Dave Takata wins this category, playing in Cody Foster Army and Argonaut, two Tacoma bands that rage the rock 'n' roll scene. Furry Buddies have been known to invite him on stage. Mahnhammer once called him a member. I'm just going to say it: Takata has the charm and the skill to rule the city with the simple strum of his guitar. He's also rumored to be an excellent babysitter. - NM


The Warehouse

Rising from the ashes of the sadly defunct brick-and-mortar Warehouse - a hub of odd and intriguing underground performances in a literal downtown warehouse - the group known as the Warehouse soon began producing their own shows in whatever spaces they could find. Usually leaning in a more folk-inflected area, when it comes to acts booked, the Warehouse's draw and influence grew. Now, several years later, it's not unusual to find the company's name attached to local shows in churches, parks and houses. Past shows produced by the Warehouse have included beautiful, intimate sets from Damien Jurado, Shenandoah Davis, and Ivan & Alyosha, among many others. - Rev. AM


Maurice the Fish Records

With a cute, quirky name like Maurice the Fish Records (MTFR), this indie label likes to have fun with its events - naming them things such as "Fishing at Angle Lake" and "Fish Food Benefit." Bands such as The Lush Tones, Champagne Sunday and Blues Redemption roll with MTFR. Not the type of label to fish for compliments, or to lure you into believing something you shouldn't; there "reely" is nothing fishy about Maurice the Fish Records. Everything is top scale, and they tackle their business. Maurice the Fish bands create a splash everywhere they perform and often leave audiences with baited breath. - NM


"Leroy," by Bruce Leroy

At the MSM Deli - Tacoma's Shangri-La for sandwiches, beer and the simultaneous consumption of both - some friends of mine ran across a stack of free CDs. The name of the artist? Bruce Leroy. The name of the album? Leroy. The name of the opening track? "Leroy." It all seemed so giddy and strange when we put on the album and the first song came drifting on. Bruce Leroy's a local MC, and his music is catchier than any free hip-hop CD has any right to be. By the time the chorus came around on that opening track - "Leroy, Leroy, who the fuck is Leroy? / I'm the shit where I'm from and I hate never heard of no Leroy" - I was hooked. - Rev. Am


Future Bass at The New Frontier Lounge

Every second Saturday of the month, the New Frontier Lounge is taken over by a group of DJs. It's an eclectic assortment of tastes, including the dark electronica and post-punk of Delicious Brown and Ninjamonik; the retro soul and hip-hop of Bobby Galaxy; the house, future soul and disco of Mr. Melanin; and the eclectic multimedia of DJ BROAM. The night is called Future Bass, and it's quickly picking up steam and a regular audience, partly by rewarding return audience members by making entrance to the show free before 11pm - to help cut down on stragglers and scenesters, one would assume. - Rev. AM