With education migrating nearly 100% to virtual space, plus changes and relief support to the GI Bill and tuition assistance, now is the time to get up to speed on a number of opportunities and benefit news.
To aid in your search, Task Force Media will host a free series of Webinars September 26 connecting you at home with a number of experts communicating from their homes. You will be able to ask questions, receive handouts, and hear information on a number of topics.
“Webinars are an excellent choice for military and their spouses to get infromation in an hour without having to search all over the Internet, as well as ask questions and hear the questions of others,” said Ken Swarner, president of Task Force Media.
“Education is paramount to the military experience, and there is no better time than to work on a degree or certificate,” Swarner added.
While more course may be added leading up to May 2, here are to course choices. Times and the free RSVP are available also by clicking each class:
>> Earn an Associate Degree in as Little as Five Classes
>> Accelerated Masters Program
It is possible to take more than one class for free on May 2.
“Please RSVP for as many as you’d like,” Swarner added.