2 Guns (2013)

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IMDb Rating
6.7 out of 10 (view IMDb page)

A DEA agent and a naval intelligence officer find themselves on the run after a botched attempt to infiltrate a drug cartel. While fleeing, they learn the secret of their shaky alliance: Neither knew that the other was an undercover agent.

  • Not Rated Yet
(Based on 0 Ratings)
MPAA Rating:
R for violence throughout, language and brief nudity
109 Minutes
Action, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Thriller
Baltasar Kormakur
Blake Masters
Steven Grant

Weekly Volcano's Review

Richard Roeper on July 31st, 2013

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A hot mess that's cool fun. Funny-as-hell Denzel Washington and Mark Wahlberg are undercover lawmen posing as criminals to each other until they have to team up against common adversaries. With slick pacing and a sharp if implausible script, 2 Guns rises above standard action fare. - Three stars

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