Moneyball (2011)

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IMDb Rating
7.6 out of 10 (view IMDb page)

Oakland A's GM Billy Beane is handicapped with the lowest salary constraint in baseball. If he ever wants to win the World Series, Billy must find a competitive advantage. Billy is about to turn baseball on its ear when he uses statistical data to an

  • 5/5 Star Rating.
(Based on 1 Rating)
MPAA Rating:
133 Minutes
Biography, Drama, Sport
Bennett Miller">
Steven Zaillian (screenplay)
Aaron Sorkin (screenplay)
and 2 more credits

Weekly Volcano's Review

Roger Ebert on September 21st, 2011

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An uncommonly intelligent movie about a showdown in Major League Baseball between human instinct and abstract statistics. Based on the true story of the 2002 Oakland Athletics, it stars Brad Pitt as the team's general manager, Jonah Hill as a nerdy Yale statistician, and Philip Seymour Hoffman as the hostile manager. Not a traditional sports movie, but one about big business and courage in management. The dialogue is smart and witty. Spellbinding. - Four stars

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  • 5/5 Star Rating.

Ron Swarner said on Jan. 13, 2012 at 10:04pm

It’s hard not to be romantic about newspapers, too.

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