That Good Night (2017)

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IMDb Rating
6.6 out of 10 (view IMDb page)

Ralph, a once-famous screenwriter, is in his seventies and terminally ill. He has two final missions: to be reconciled to his son, Michael, and, secretly, to ensure he is not a burden to his wife, Anna, as he goes "into that good night".

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MPAA Rating:
92 Minutes
Eric Styles
N.J. Crisp

Weekly Volcano's Review

Richard Roeper on November 5th, 2020

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This lovely and moving and witty British drama marked the final lead film role for Sir John Hurt, and it's all the more poignant that he's playing a formidable creative artist dying of cancer. The character has decided to end his life on his own terms until he has an almost Ebenezer Scrooge-like reawakening. - Three stars

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