Those Who Wish Me Dead (2021)

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IMDb Rating
6.0 out of 10 (view IMDb page)

A teenage murder witness finds himself pursued by twin assassins in the Montana wilderness with a survival expert tasked with protecting him -- and a forest fire threatening to consume them all.

  • Not Rated Yet
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MPAA Rating:
R for strong violence, and language throughout
100 Minutes
action, drama, thriller
Taylor Sheridan
Michael Koryta

Weekly Volcano's Review

Richard Roeper on May 24th, 2021

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Angelina Jolie returns to peak movie-star form with her powerful and resonant performance as a smokejumper protecting a boy pursued by assassins. With a gripping story that plays a little like a Montana version of The Client, this is one of the best thrillers in recent memory. Opens Friday in theaters and on HBO Max. - Four stars

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