Here comes the Olympia Outdoor Public Spectacle

Olympia Independent Music Festival changes name, rocks out

By Nikki McCoy on September 11, 2013

The Olympia Independent Music Festival (OIMF) has put on one hell of a shindig the past few years, creating a free block party with all the usual perks of Olympia - killer bands, ladies of burlesque, art, vendors, chin-balancing - all in the name of helping the Olympia Film Society.

Saturday, Sept. 14, organizers are bringing back all that Oly love, but under a new moniker: OOPS!: The Olympia Outdoor Public Spectacle.

Here, we chat with co-producer John Manini about why they switched the name, and why OOPS! could use your help.

"I can't lie, a big part of the switch was vanity. "OIMF" is not pretty ... you don't need much inertia to jump from "OIMF" to "OINK," which is charming and wonderfully onomatopoetic as words go, but not in line with the festival's aesthetic vision," Manini said.

"Also, we took a look at what "OIMF" meant and found it one part constrictive and two parts vague," he explained. "It was originally called OIMF because we were throwing a festival around Olympia Independent Music. Now what does that mean exactly? There is the vague part ... We decided we wanted the festival to be able to breathe and grow but still remain true to (in no particular order) 1) Olympia 2) Independence 3) Music."

"Trying to reverse engineer a catchy acronym with that in mind is about as fun as shoveling goat shit in a wind tunnel," he continued, "so Jabe Jabberwock (co-producer) and I were just tossing out four letter words as ideas and he smiled and said ‘OOPS.' We laughed. I went home and spent about four hours making it into an appropriate acronym: The Olympia Outdoor Public Spectacle ... Also it lends itself to next year's "OOPS!: we did it again".

And a spectacle it will be. In addition to a lineup featuring The Fabulous Downey Brothers, Fruit Juice, Full Moon Radio, The Hard Way, Horace Pickett, Tangerine and Teardrop City, the event will be hosted by funny women Elizabeth Lord and Lauren O'Neill and there will be an attempt at a Guinness World Record for chin-balancing by Big Sam Miller.

There will be an outdoor beer garden for those 21+, a silent art auction in the mezzanine of the Capitol Theater, a cakewalk with the ladies of TUSH! Burlesque, a local business raffle, plus lots of local food and craft vendors.

OOPS! THE OLYMPIA OUTDOOR PUBLIC SPECTACLE, 2 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 14, Fifth Avenue between Washington Street and Franklin Street, Olympia, free,