All-Filipino Hall & Oates cover band called the Little Donuts

Any questions?

By Rev. Adam McKinney on November 12, 2014

There are certain bands that have oddly flown under the radar for entire generations of music snobs - bands that you've heard of, sure, but not any band that you'd ever be caught actively listening to. I saw one of those dopey "Did You Know?" factoids on a '70s music channel that was playing Styx, and it turns out that they were voted the favorite band amongst listeners aged 13-18 in 1979. In other words, they were hot shit. Would anyone be caught dead admitting that Styx is his or her favorite band, these days? Anyone that would go on record as such would be pelted to death in the parking lot of the Pitchfork Media headquarters.

So, when it comes to cover bands, anyone not paying tribute to a fundamentally cool band is either viewed as a bunch of goobers or some ironic assholes. But, this is a false dichotomy brought on by years of shaming one another for musical tastes. If I asked you to name how many Hall & Oates songs you know, how many would you say? Because I can confidently tell you that you know at least 10, if not 20, whether you like it or not.

Lately, re-examinations of pop music past - ironic and otherwise - have allowed for music snobs to have their cake and eat it, too; to be able to be open and say that you love Hall & Oates without it saying really anything about your musical taste as a whole. And so, when I heard that some of Tacoma's best musicians were getting together to form the Northwest's premier (and only?) all-Filipino Hall & Oates tribute band, my question wasn't "why?" All I wanted to know was when and where I could see this magic happen.

The new tribute band, known as the Little Donuts, is made up of members of Le Lo/Fi, the Dignitaries and the recently defunct Bandolier. I spoke with Little Donuts member Reylan Fernandez about the unlikely project.

"Like most things, the idea to team up got started over beer," says Fernandez. "I was hanging out with a few of the Fuck Yeah Scooter Club boys, actually, and it was a few of us Filipino guys. And we said it would be cool to do an all-Filipino cover band. And we thought, if we're gonna do it, we should do something totally cool and different. Because a lot of the cover bands I see, they approach it from the place of, like, ‘We're gonna do all punk rock covers!' That's not that cool. A lot of people do that. So, we thought, Hall & Oates is killer. They've got a really cool catalogue, and most people know their songs, whether they'd admit it or not."

The Little Donuts is made up of other members of the Fuck Yeah Scooter Club (a menacing gang of scooter-riding mods), including Reylan's brother and Dignitaries bandmate, Lino Fernandez, Joel Sayson of Bandolier, Dean Sayson and Brad Edwards of Le Lo/Fi. As for the name, why the Little Donuts, as opposed to some Hall & Oates pun (like Mahal and Filipinoates, as I saw mentioned)?

"Well, that's a weird thing," says Fernandez. "We have a friend who's a chocolatier, and he went to Spain to study with other chocolatiers. He brought back some snacks called ‘Filipinos,' which look like little baby donuts. That's just what that word means, over there. We thought it'd be the funniest thing to call our band that. No one will know what it means."

Following the performance of the Little Donuts, the Java Jive will be hosting karaoke. Fernandez suggests you go with something from the '80s, like Foreigner or Madonna. My advice: if you go with Journey, just skip "Don't Stop Believin'." Let that song die, already.

LITTLE DONUTS, 8:30 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 15, Bob's Java Jive, 2102 South Tacoma Way, Tacoma, $3, 253.475.4983