Kick off winter with a unique Nordic celebration

The Christmas Revels offers family entertainment in Tacoma

By Kim Thompson on December 11, 2015

Who says the beginning of winter in the Puget Sound has to be dark, dreary and dull?

If this year's The Christmas Revels® has anything to say about it, well, it will most certainly be the opposite of those very descriptions.

This long-running local production has created a lively and spirited blend of song, dance, stories, humor and art derived from folk traditions from all over the world, and it has delighted audiences of all ages for many years.

The show is produced by Puget Sound Revels, a local theatrical mainstay since 1992. This performance group offers pub sings, house concerts, salons, outdoor celebrations, workshops and more throughout the year.

Since 1994, the organization has offered The Christmas Revels each December in Tacoma.  These productions are rich and elaborate, with as many as 60 to 90 people taking the stage.  Each year, the team at Puget Sound Revels takes on a new theme for The Christmas Revels. They take great pride in bringing together actors, musicians, storytellers, dancers, singers and community members to celebrate old and new traditions for the coming of winter.   

This year's performances take on a Nordic flair and celebrate the winter solstice with traditional dance, processionals, carols and tales from the Kalevala set in a magical folk art forest.  Audiences will see the spirit of the Nordic people emerge to take on the coming of winter in the most unique and engaging way.

What is the Kalevala?

It is the Finnish creation myth that combines the earth, moon, sun, stars and the first man (known as Vainamoinen), who takes on a mean-spirited figure, Louhi, who tries to steal away the sun and moon. Hilarity ensues in the process, along with energetic dances, colorful folk costumes, a mummers (folk) play and the classic Three Billy Goats Gruff tale.

Award-winning and renowned folk dancers and musicians work in tandem with adult and children's choruses to bring the performance to life.

It's a holiday feast of cultural and music experiences, all wrapped up in one.

The Christmas Revels is set to play right before the Christmas holiday at the Rialto Theatre, 310 S. 9th St. in Tacoma. Performances are Dec. 19 at 2 and 7:30 p.m.; Dec. 20 at 1 and 5:30 p.m.; Dec. 22 at 7:30 p.m. and Dec. 23 at 2 p.m.

Special note: The Dec. 20 performance at 5:30 p.m. will be American Sign Language (ASL) interpreted.

Ticket prices range from $12 to $34. To purchase tickets by phone, call the Broadway Center of the Performing Arts at 253.591.5894 or visit to purchase online.

These performances are popular and expected to sell out, so plan and purchase early. For more information about Puget Sound Revels, visit