Crazy Daisy

By weeklyvolcano on April 24, 2006

Bobble Tiki had a crazy weekend.  He pulled out his Crazy Daisy.  The package says ages 3 and up, but that doesn't fool Bobble Tiki. The Fisher-Price Crazy Daisy is one of those toys that should not be wasted on kids. Here's what you do. Wait for a day when your backyard feels like the core of the sun.  Hook your hose up to the silly looking, giant plastic flower sprinkler. Open the spigot and watch the daisy go, well, crazy.  Berserk.  Nuts.  Send the kids inside to watch pro wrestling. Turn on the soundtrack to "Beach Blanket Bingo." Now it's your turn to get crazy. Invite the neighbors over (they're peeking behind the curtain anyway). - Bobble Tiki