If these walls could talk

By weeklyvolcano on April 14, 2006

LifesizechocolateroomsYou practically swoon when a waiter walks past you with triple-layer chocolate cake. You have to inhale a few times before you even bring your fork near a plate of anything drizzled in warm chocolate, and the scent of brownies baking means an automatic smile. Sure, it'd be great if cocoa could tickle our noses constantly, but who wants to walk around smelling like a Kit Kat? Now, thanks to the folks at Food Is Art in the UK, we can have our cake and . . . er . . . smell it, too.
For about $4,500, Food Is Art will build an "interactive and edible" chocolate room for you, complete with chocolate chandeliers and sugar wallpaper.  Wonka would freak (or does Charlie Bucket and Grandpa now run it?). - Suzy Stump