Born to the wild

By weeklyvolcano on May 4, 2006

Gingerknoxx_5PERMANENT LIPSTICK by Ginger Knoxx
I cannot be the only one who feels like she is pretending to be an upstanding member of society at her day job.  Am I the only person who feels like when the alarm clock goes off each morning that it's time to play dress-up for the people who sign my paychecks? I caught a glance of my reflection in the conference room window and was appalled at what could have been (gulp) the image of a conservative woman looking back at me. I felt death run around my ankles and immediately vowed to start wearing thick black eyeliner to work again.

Wednesday, April 26
Hoping to get a peak inside King's X tour bus, I lost my nerve at the door to Hell's Kitchen and just asked Metal Jason if I could talk to Mike Corvin, the sound guy, instead. He was busy setting up new equipment for the night's show, so The Italian and I headed to the West End for dinner and a little sippy sip of the nippy nip (vodka and whiskey, that is). How have I never noticed the shoplifter photo gallery at the convenience store at Sixth and Procotor? The store owners have printed still surveillance camera images and posted them right above the counter for all to see. So be warned, don't five finger it unless you're ready for your close-up to be made public.

Thursday, April 27
After running stupid errands (yeah, I said stupid), we stopped in at Dave's place - Meconi's down on Pacific and Seventh - for a quick dinner. I had forgotten that the place serves booze and was tickled right down to my little pink toes to slurp a strong vodka tall while chomping on the Thursday night special of hot wings. The leggy blonde stylist from the Chop Shop around the corner took a seat at the table next to ours with her cute as heck doggie, Mai Ling. What's that, Renee? You feel another Girls' Night coming on?

Friday, April 28
I can't get enough of the Monsoon Room, and I can't seem to get there enough. Bartender Johanna made a fresh squeezed orange juice and cranberry as my pick-me-up after my fantastic day at the office. Now repeat those last six words with enough sarcasm to shock an old lady and kill a pious nun - that's the kind of day I'm talking about. Johanna was like a friendly balm to my razor wire shredded nerves. James Hume met me so I could pick his brain about his next move in the art scene, and Teddy Haggerty came by right as I was heading out. He showed me the great article in The News Tribune about the Monsoon and Tempest and how the two places are encouraging change in the area. In the photo of Tempest, guess who's in the background? Yep, Teddy is.

Saturday, April 29
Helped friends hang art for half the day and then hit some estate sales. Two hours later and many, many dead presidents lighter, The Italian and I stopped in to see Eve at Six Olives. That woman really tries to kill you softly with the drinks she makes. I swear I love her, but holy crap! Eve makes a 32-ounce drink called the Emergency Room - no lie. I can't drink it by myself, that is I shouldn't drink it by myself because I'm trying out this new thing called "responsible public behavior." The Italian and I split it, looking like teen-agers sucking away on two straws in a milkshake at a '50s diner. Thank you, Eve, for another night that ended fuzzy. Just like I like 'em. We called it a night before we got to see Pappi's sister sing at Chopstix. Damn.

Severus Party Bus
These three words make past attendees pull faces ranging from grimaces as they recall major hangovers to goofy grins as memories of ridiculous behavior resurface. The key thing here is that you don't drive to the show; you get in a bus with other metal fans and drink your ass off the whole way to El Corazon with beer provided by your hosts - the band. Friday, May 5, KISW Metal Shop presents "Cinco De Mayo @ El Corazon" with ASESINO, Drown Mary, Expiration Date, SEVERUS, and Barefoot Barnacle. Go to Severus' Myspace site for more information and tickets.

Give me a wink and a kiss here. Knoxx knows.