Mirah and Spectratone

By weeklyvolcano on May 11, 2006

www.myspace.com/volcanomattd ">Mattmug_2So, I was walking to the bus the other day, after having just indulged in one of the jazziest herbal jazz cigarettes these experienced hands have ever twirled, and I was thinking:
"If I was going to write a sound track for something, what would it be? What deserves some music? What's crying for a theme song?"
Then it hit me.
"Insects and small creatures deserve a sound track," I thought to myself. "If anything ever deserved a sound track, it is small creatures and insects. They need a tune or two, for hiding under rocks. The world's an unjust place until insects have a sound track."
Then I put in some Clear Eyes and got a Slurpee.
The fact remains, however, that small insects and creatures do deserve some music. Lucky for us, Olympia's a freakin' strange place, and on Thursday, May 11, at the Capitol Theatre Mirah and Spectratone will perform a set of tunes all about insects, inspired by entomologist John Henri Fabre and his set of books. The evening is for all ages and, according to the press release, will also include visual delights from film and video maker Brita Johnson.
Looks like someone beat me to it. May 11, 8 p.m., all ages, $8-$10, The Capitol Theater, 206 Fifth Ave., Olympia. â€" Matt Driscoll