Luau at TCC

By weeklyvolcano on June 8, 2006

What if Bobble Tiki and  the entire world have just been misconstruing Dr. Seuss? Suppose those green eggs and ham are, in and of themselves, neither here nor there, and the bottom line is rather their function within a particular context â€" in a house, with a mouse, on a train, in the rain? Perhaps what Sam-I-Am wishes for his tall-hatted pal (and, by extension, you and Bobble Tiki) is the chance to expand his horizons more than his waistline â€" to enjoy not just a juicy and delicious meal but a total dining experience, not simply cuisine but cuisine-in-a-scene. Other than undertaking an exhaustive textual analysis of a work of kiddie lit, there’s only one way to find out.
Would you, could you in a school?
The Pacific Islander Club and Tacoma Community College Student Life organizations host a Luau Party this morning. Packed with all sorts of South Pacific fragrances and greens and boats of poi on waves of hang loose blown by winds of Don Ho. Traditional dancing and food will be offered before the Hawaiian, Tahitian and neighboring island gods. Hey, there’s only one small letter that’s different between exotic and erotic.
Oh, and be sure to keep your eyes peeled for green eggs and ham. â€" Bobble Tiki