Assassins run amok in Olympia?

By weeklyvolcano on August 26, 2006

Imagine being stalked in the streets of Olympia, being “hit.”  The guy who’s hit you has his own secret code, just like your secret code as you’re stalking someone else. Your weapon? Rubber-tipped darts.   
Assassinate Olympia is happening again, beginning on Tuesday.  You have to plan now, though, and you have to go to Rec the Place, Olympia’s smallest record store, to sign up.  And you have to go on today, Aug. 26, and you have to go between the hours of noon and six. 
You’ll get your secret code name on Monday, and the “games” (officially: “massacre”) begin on Tuesday.
Rec the Place will have official rules and more info on Saturday, but you have to go there, and you have to wear a party hat, black clothes, and dark sunglasses and be prepared to sing Happy Birthday. Most of that last stuff, I made up, except about the rules, and the second Birthday. 
Don’t forget to ask about the Zombies!