Sexy third Tuesday at Tempest

By weeklyvolcano on August 15, 2006

Tempestblog The sign in the bathroom says, “Reading is sexy.”  This is especially true when the subject matter is a banned book about 17-year-old lesbians.
The book we are discussing at tonight's Banned Book Club at Tacoma's Tempest Lounge is "Annie on My Mind," published in 1982 by Nancy Garden.  The subject matter is handled delicately, and has a sort of tangibly wispy tone to it that makes it seem real and normal.  That “normalcy” is what seems to have gotten it banned in school libraries the late '80s, and is one of the topics we’ve assembled to discuss.
“We” are Matthew, a teacher who drinks beer through our discussion; Michelle, a lounge owner who has a juice late into our discussion; Sara, a teacher with wicked cool shoes who drinks a Nevada on ice; Kristina, a relative newbie to the area who works in a library at Fort Lewis who abstains from drinking; and Sweet Pea, King’s Books spokesperson who drinks a Nevada “up;” and me, a reader, writer, and wine drinker.
Once our discussion dwindles down and Michelle has to return to work, Sweet Pea makes his announcements, which include the news of a spelling bee for adults at King’s Books Sept. 7, 6:30 p.m.  He also mentions a banned book week beginning at the next Tempest Banned Books Club meeting, which will be Sept. 19. Read "The Giver" by Lois Lowry and go to enjoy smart conversation, luscious drinks, and half-off appetizers.  Because really, reading is sexy. â€" Jessica Corey-Butler