Tacoma psychics go head to head

By weeklyvolcano on August 27, 2006

Psychics They had no idea they were “competing,” though I told Travis at Fire and Water Sundries that I was doing a story on psychics, so he had an idea of my identity and my occupation.  Not so with Shirlee Teabo, whose reading came up with much of what Travis’ did.
Travis uses a new Osho Zen deck, which has beautiful full-color illustrations that are more artistically rendered than the Ryder deck I had been accustomed to my last go-round with tarot readings. 
Shirlee’s deck is an old, well-worn Egyptian deck.  Only she touches hers, whereas I touch Travis’ deck, breathe three times and shuffle them.
Shirlee is 73, walks gingerly with a cane, and has a cynical sense of humor, bright eyes and no bullshit about her.  She’s former Navy during the Korean War.
Travis appears to not even have been conceived  in the '50s. He’s a tall and well-built African American man who wears a Nautica fleece.
Neither of the psychics look like you’d expect, dressed in flowy scarves and with amulets dangling.  They both look pretty normal, really. 
Surprising to me: though their approaches, spreads, and methods were different, their readings had the same content.  Apparently, I’m engaged in a change, my work is creative, and though there’s some disharmony, there isn't a bad outcome.
I could go into more depth, but I won’t because the readings were mine, all mine.  Get your own.
Travis reads out of Fire and Water Sundries on Thursdays, whereas Shirlee reads the last Saturday of every month at Vin Grotto. â€" Jessica Corey-Butler