More Halloween shots

By weeklyvolcano on October 31, 2006

Fake blood? Not so much.  High heels? Plenty were seen, even on the boys, for this year’s weekend before Halloween costume fun about the town. A sampling of Tacoma Halloween wardrobes showed that creativity and fun were paramount â€" with a liberal dose of sex appeal juicing up the scene.

Hallowround2pirate Jumpin’ Jack (Flash) Sparrow’s taste in women seems to have shifted to the ghoulish with Jill Dietz at the Swiss Pub.

Hallowround2redriding Little Red Riding Hood Maggie Tasse contemplates eras with her gladiator husband, Tim at the Swiss Pub.

Hallowround2cleopatra Renee Seamount clowns around with Cleopatra Chris at the Spar in Old Town Tacoma before heading out to a house party.

Hallowround2mullet Starsky John Vaughn and the Mullet Man Scrunt Jolies are joined by their random scary ghoul friend Brandon Pontbriant at the Swiss. â€" jessica Corey-Butler