The Night Tacoma Danced

By weeklyvolcano on February 27, 2007

The Night Tacoma Danced is not for everybody, believe me. It is only meant for those of you who like to eat a variety of yummy food, enjoy a lot of fine entertainment, appreciate good art and are willing to have fun to support programs for kids.

Sounds like a horrible way to spend a Saturday, eh?

The Tacoma Art Museum's largest fund raiser of the year, The Night Tacoma Danced, er, dances into the Greater Tacoma Convention and Trade Center March 3 as an "European Cabaret: Where Dreams and Reality Converge."  Yep, that's the theme of this year's black tie gala so those with enough dough to get in might want to throw on a few feather bows and sequins.

I've held the arm of many of these Night Tacoma Danced galas, dining on fine fare, participating in the silent auction, grabbing an item or two in the artisan marketplace, which boasts 300 pieces this year.  Lovely, really.  However, this year's live auction, music by the Kim Archer Band and free salon on site additions has inspired me to fine a finer date.  My dude, I mean, my gentlemen has been encourage to bid me a tan.

Proceeds from the event will go into the pocket of TAM's educational department.  The museum's educational program is a great cause â€" it keeps the little snot-noses out of sight and out of mind while I check out the "Frida Kahlo: Images of an Icon" exhibit. â€" Suzy Stump

[Greater Tacoma Convention and Trade Center, Saturday, March 3, 7 p.m., $175-$250 per person with the box office closing March 1 at 6 p.m., 1500 Broadway, 253.272.4258]