Banned in Tacoma!

By weeklyvolcano on September 25, 2007

The precious democratic freedom of the United States has been threatened by a number of forces, both foreign and domestic. Among the domestic sort are those oppressive Elizabeth Dole-esque types who believe the world would be a safer place if only children were protected from stimulating literature. So, to celebrate their perpetual defeat, in a big fat thumbing-of-the-nose at all that stupid censorship stuff, King’s Books and the Tempest Lounge are proud to present Banned Books Week.

The week will feature free speech discussions, storytime with banned books, banned film night, music, art auction and more at King’s Books Sept. 28-Oct. 4.

The Tempest (913 MLK Way, Tacoma) will host the Banned Book Slut Social Oct. 2 at 7 p.m. allowing book lovers to discussion free speech, trade books and try the new banned author cocktail.

A complete list of events can be found at the King’s Books Web site.

So, if you are the kind of person that enjoys thumbing your nose at things and hearing what they don't want you to hear, your week is booked. â€" Suzy Stump