Beer prices going up?

By weeklyvolcano on October 16, 2007

One of our favorite beer distributors just told us the average price of any beer by January might be $14 to $15 a six pack. The price of hops went from $3 a pound to $21 a pound, and all other grains went up at least 50 percent, if you can even get them.

Hop growers are suggesting a lottery system to get grain, so if your number doesn't come up, you don't get any grain for the whole year. So, basically the world wide micro industry will get tossed on its ear in just one day.

Might be a good idea to stock up on a cellar of beer, especially high end beers and beers that are high in hops as most breweries will not be able to afford to produce anymore.

Scary, huh?  Anyone else hear this? â€" Brad Allen

MSNBC reports on it, too.