Raiders of the Lost Ark

By weeklyvolcano on November 3, 2007

“Raiders of the Lost Ark: Adaptation”
Finally, a remake of “Raiders of the Lost Ark” created by bible-belt tweens. Yes, you read that right. “Raiders of the Lost Ark: Adaptation” will screen twice today at the Olympia Film Festival.

The local screening will highlight the culmination of seven years worth of work that began in Mississippi 25 years ago. These kids (now grownups) saved their allowances, stocked their Christmas lists with filmmaking supplies, hustled set materials and props, made their own costumes and generally kicked ass during the course of seven years. The result is a plain awesome reproduction of Steven Speilberg’s legendary tale of treasure hunter and archaeologist Indiana Jones’ quest to find the Ark of the Covenant.

I can’t wait to see how they reproduced the scene where an angry Jehovah incinerates the Nazis.  It screens today at noon and 9:30 p.m. at the Capitol Theater. â€" Paul Schrag

Olympia Film Festival: Check these flicks out, too.

[24th Annual Olympia Film Festival, through Nov. 10, $6-$75, Capitol Theater, Mariah Art School and Le Voyeur, Olympia, 360.754.6670]