24 Days of Cookies: Day 18

By weeklyvolcano on December 18, 2007

Cookiesshakabrah Shakabrah Java

They thought I was a freak asking all these silly cookie questions.  By now I’ve almost thrown out all formality when it comes to my cookie hunt.  “Do you have cookies? Do you make them here?  I’ll take one.  No?  Where can I find a cookie? Kthxbye.”  It gets old.

Then I run into Shakabrah. They played along with me and loved being freaky with me.  When I order a cookie I usually ask which flavor is most popular (If there’s a choice of flavors), then I order that one.  These girls were brutally honest with me.  “We don’t really sell a whole lot of our cookies, none of them are very popular.”  I laughed.  No one ever buys them?  “Well, there’s one guy who comes in and gets the white chocolate macadamia, but that’s it.”

I picked the peanut butter cookie (my fav), and asked the girls what it was people ordered there to fix a sweet tooth.  The brownies, definitely.  That’s the hot ticket item there at Shakabrah.  I had to wonder what exactly was in said brownies that made them so popular.

The cookie was yummy.  It tasted like a baked peanut butter cookie, perfectly baked, a little toasty on the outside.  I ate it. But don’t think I didn’t walk out of there without ordering one of those damn brownies as well.  I’ll be back for one of them stinkin’ things again, that’s for sure. â€" Steph DeRosa

See what's already in our cookie jar.