24 Days of Cookies: Day 20

By weeklyvolcano on December 20, 2007

Cookiesredhotbandito The Red Hot

I don’t give a crap if the name is “Moonpie,” to me it’s a cookie.  And I also don’t give a flying duck if they are not fresh made there at The Red Hot.  I am declaring the Moonpie a cookie worthy of Steph DeRosa recognition.  So there.

The Moonpie is simple, vanilla, and finishes your night of mechanically separated meat with just the right amount of sweetness.  To me, there is a concept that rolls at The Red Hot that I just can’t let go.  It’s the concept of my American childhood.  RC Cola, hot dogs, and moon pies.  What I wouldn’t give to be watching an episode of "Three’s Company" while consumed in the epitome of my childhood diet.

Cookiesredhotmoonpie It's a thick graham cracker cookie with marshmallow filling and a sugary icing all over.  Eat one before you go, or take it with you for the ride home.  Either way, you should eat it before Mr. Furley finds out you’re really straight.  Janet and Crissy would be lost without you.

From this moment forward I shall refer to The Red Hot as the Regal Beagle.  And you’ll like it. â€" Steph DeRosa

MORE COOKIES: See what's already in our cookie jar.