24 Days of Cookies: Day 22

By weeklyvolcano on December 22, 2007

Quickie Too

Everyone stopped what they were doing when I walked in.  I was like a city slicker entering an old cowboy bar.  You know the scene, right?  Where the guy stops playing the old time piano, everyone puts down their sarsaparilla, the toughest guy pushes back his chair and says, “Lookin’ for trouble, young lady?”

Cookiesquickietoo Uhhhhhhh, I was thinking maybe the Quickie Too crowd could tell a meat eater just from my looks.  I just knew that they knew that I was in fact NOT a vegan.  But I was there to find a cookie, as was my December mission.  No scary, intimidating, tofu munching vegetarian is gonna slow me down.

I danced along to the Jamaican drum music as I perused the menu, in search for hopefully something to bring home to the family.  I knew deep down in my heart I wouldn’t get away with serving any of these items at my dinner table, so I gave up and focused on my cookie.

I took the chocolate chocolate chip vegan cookie, paid my $2, and hauled ass out of there.  I waited until I got home before I tasted the cookie.  I was still a little shook up from my experience with the scary leaf eaters.

Let me just say: It was delicious.  Mr. DeRosa loved it (I didn’t tell him it was “vegan” until after he ate it), the mini-me loved it, and so did I.  The only question we could come up with was: What kind of meat is in a cookie that you would need a vegan alternative?  The eggs?  Milk?  So is it made without eggs?  Help a stupid steak eater out here, people. â€" Steph DeRosa

MORE COOKIES: See what's already in our cookie jar.