24 Days of Cookies: Day 23

By weeklyvolcano on December 23, 2007

Corina Bakery

Corina Bakery is conveniently located on South Seventh next to the Tacoma City Ballet, One Heart Café, and Infinite Soups.  It’s a supreme crossroad of all things good in Tacoma.

Now when I say convenient, I mean that in a good and bad way.  The fact that I can walk into Corina Bakery while the mini-me is in ballet and calm myself with its surroundings is both heaven and hell.  Yeah I sit back in a comfy chair, read a paper, and enjoy a tasty snack.  But that also makes it too easy to add a few extra lbs to the ol’ ass. 

Although they do not do Christmas cookies, you can count on them having a couple of huge glass jars filled with homemade classics such as oatmeal and chocolate chip sitting right next to the register.  You got it, I said right next to the register.  So just when you thought you were done with one or two brownies, they have them right in front of you, begging to be taken home.

Full of flavor, texture, and the concept of supporting a local business, these cookies are perfectly Tacoma.  They’re not your under-done gooey cookie, either.  (Like the ones I think are raw still.)  In fact they are baked to Steph DeRosa perfection.  Something that will keep me stopping by time, after time, after time â€" but not until after Dec. 30.  Corina Bakery is closed for the holidays. â€" Steph DeRosa

MORE COOKIES: See what's already in our cookie jar.