Art education capital of the world

By weeklyvolcano on January 14, 2008

Move over Tacoma museums, galleries, SOTA, Tacoma Art Place, M Space, glassblowing studios, cultural arts center, hello cupcake â€" downtown Tacoma has another space for folks to get their art on.  The Broadway Center for the Performing Arts, in partnership with the City of Tacoma, will open its new Education Studio and Broadway Center Conservatory Headquarters with an Open House and Reception on Friday, Jan. 18, from 9 to 11 a.m. Check it out on the north side of 9th and Commerce Street.  We’re talking coffee and pastries people.

Broadway Center states in a release that it will “use the Education Studio for a variety of education and outreach programs, serving as the headquarters for the recently launched Broadway Center Conservatory.”

Very cool. â€" Suzy Stump

Previously on Spew.