
By weeklyvolcano on January 30, 2008

I’ve been collecting concert posters, signed pictures of musicians, carefully salvaged Beautiful Angle poster art, and grudgingly buying art prints when I can’t afford the original painting (not to say that I’m not thrilled that this option exists, but rather that I wish I had more dinero to buy art) for quite some time. I have them stashed in a not-so-careful pile in a closet. Early (compulsive) spring cleaning made me realize this practice is one of neglect.

I need frames, matting, and glass to protect and preserve these treasures. After measuring the items, I took a quick trip over to Michaels The Arts & Crafts Store on 38th Street near the Tacoma Mall. The framing department at the back of the store is pretty much its own entity. Friendly staff there good-naturedly laughed as I explained my dilemma but assured me they could take care of my needs. The frame selection alone was impressive as was the array of matting in many colors and textures. Soon I’ll have more professionally turned out works of art than wall space â€" and then I’ll have an excuse to move.

Cost of framing and matting depends on size and desired outcome.

Just saying. â€" Jennifer Johnson

[Michaels The Arts & Crafts Store, 2941 S. 38th St., Tacoma, 253.473.0114]