As the booze moves

By weeklyvolcano on February 5, 2008

If you haven't heard yet, the Volcano is moving up in the world. We're growing. Come Thursday you're going to see us for the first time in our new, jacked up, super sexy new form. You're going to be blown away. It'll be like watching the Incredible Hulk bust out of his button-down shirt, only there will be an accompanying smell of vodka.

This expansion has come with new responsibilities for me. For instance, now I deliver a quad shot Americano to Pappi Swarner's office every morning and hope not to get whipped. Before it was only a double shot, though there was still the ever present fear of a Swarner beat down.

Also, they want me to blog. Daily. I'm going to be on this here Spew so often you won't know what to do. I sure as hell won't know what to do. I'm sure it won't be long before I'm taking camera phone pictures of my daughter's dirty diapers for all of Volcano Land to enjoy.

But I'm tired tonight. With a bigger paper comes more writing, and today kicked my ass. It's time for a drink.

Speaking of drinks, did you hear the liquor store on 38th street is moving? Yep. Soon it'll be two whole blocks closer to my house. The new location is at the corner of 38th and Pacific. Check out all the info here.