Derby Diaries: Smash Face Sunday

By weeklyvolcano on February 20, 2008


Derbydiary22008 I can see it in your eyes. You’re tired from the retched Valentine’s season. All the shopping, partying, candy, and superficial statements of love have worn you down. You can’t even think about what’s coming up next. Is it St Patrick’s? There’s a bunch of green, some pinches, some kisses, and a ton of beer. Damn, I bet you can hardly think straight with all the holidays swarming your precious brain.

As if you needed one more festive occasion to crowd your calendar, I’m going to remind you of the Dockyard Derby Dames Expo Bout on Sunday, Feb. 24 at the Skate N’ Station in Parkland. Since you’re so weak from all the Valentine’s boning that commenced last week, I’ll make it simple and point out all the pros and cons for you:

It’s a Sunday night. What the hell else are you going to do? Don’t say there’s a show on TV or I’ll kick your ass. It’s 2008, DVR, baby (pro for you, con for NBC).

Derbydiaryallaboutderby World famous roller derby fan and blogger All Bout Derby will be in attendance. AND it’s his birthday. This to me is an open invitation to spank, punch, and verbally harass him (pro for me, con for All Bout Derby).

The Breaks from Tacoma will be there to tear your face off with punk rock rage (pro for your mental state, con for your eardrums, or vice versa).
Beer, broken bones, and babes (pro for all erectile dysfunctions, con for all livers).

I will be there (Pro for me, Con for everyone around me).

The choice is yours, and it should be easy. Contact me if you want to volunteer, otherwise you can buy your tickets in advance or at the door.

LINK: Buy your Expo Bout tickets here.

Past Derby Diaries

LINK: Meet The Marauding Mollys.

LINK: Meet Hellbound Homewreckers.

LINK: Meet the Femme Fianna.

LINK: Meet The Trampires.